Monday, November 14, 2011

Wind, Snow, and More Wind.

Alrighty! I realize I haven't written in quite sometime, so here I am.
Let's see what's going on in the world of Pauline..

I absolutely love it here at BYU-Idaho.
I can't say that I love the cold, but I love the people and the education I am getting.
I have such amazing teachers. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I COULD do with out all the extreme winds, the coldness is bad enough!

I have lost quite a bit of weight since I left Texas. Thankfully.
I feel so much better now, and I don't feel gross, haha.

I start Winter Guard on Thursday, and I am so ready! 
I have missed it so much, and I can't wait to get to know the team.

I am filling out papers and applications to go to Mexico next fall for an International Language Program, and I am hoping and praying that I make it in!
I think it will be such a wonderful experience.

There are only 30 something days until I get to go home for Christmas. 
I have never been this excited for Christmas and all I am asking for is my family, and some good cooking :)

Being away from your family really shows you how much they mean to you.
I never knew how much I love my family, and how grateful I am for them.
I have never had such strength given to me then that which I get from my Family.
I love getting letters in the mail from my family telling me how much they love me and how proud they are of me. I don't know if they really know how much strength that gives me. It keeps me from breaking down on stressful days. It keeps me from crying when I just want to go home and know I can't.

And for all you other people who think I am going to get married in a heart beat, I hate to tell you differently.
Sure there are lots of cute guys up here, but I just don't feel like dating, or having a relationship right now. I have talked to my mom about it, and asked if I was in the wrong in trying to avoid dates, and she told me that I am okay. So I am going with mommy's words, and listening to my feelings.
Who knows maybe next semester I'll find someone in a class who changes my mind, but as for know, I am just fine being myself, and focusing on school.

Well, I don't know really what else to say...So I'm going to cut things short for tonight, but I will definitely try to write more often.

I hope all is going well with you, whoever you may be, and I hope you take the time to thank the Lord for all the great blessings you have in your life.
<3 Pauline.

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